This Week in Ag #4

By Fred Nichols
Chief Marketing Officer,
Bio Huma Netics, Inc.

Wednesday was Tax Day. For farmers, it was. Unlike the rest of us, farmers (and fishermen) file taxes on March 1. Due to the complexities of farming, including depreciation schedules for machinery, most farmers hire a professional tax preparer to help file their Schedule F. These are often independent accountants. And most are long-standing, often multi-generational relationships. Some local Farm Credit and Farm Bureau offices also offer the service. The business of farming is rife with fluidity. Even though they are harvested in the summer or fall, many grain crops are stored and sold throughout the year, as are livestock, so income can be generated any time of the year. There are several options farmers can use to “adjust” their income with expenses. They can elect to prepay fertilizer or other crop inputs in December or purchase equipment. So, farmers frequently consult with their tax person throughout the year for advice on managing income and expenses and how this can impact taxes. [Read more…]

Bio Huma Netics, Inc., and Mesa Verde Resources Form Strategic Alliance

Bio Huma Netics, Inc. (BHN)—an Arizona company that produces products under the Huma Gro®, Huma Gro® Turf, and Probiotic Solutions® brands—has recently formed an alliance with Reid Enterprises LLC, which does business as Mesa Verde Resources in New Mexico. Mesa Verde Resources is a humic substance mining company that produces, manufactures, and sells humic-acid and fulvic-acid products.

Other than access to a greater range of products, customers from the two companies should see no change in day-to-day operations. There will be no immediate change in personnel at either company, and the two companies will continue to operate separately under separate names for the immediate future.

This alliance is expected to facilitate a synergistic relationship between the BHN lines of agriculture, turf, and wastewater/soil remediation products and the Mesa Verde Resources line of humic and fulvic products for both domestic and international markets. While BHN has previously focused on a fraction of humic substances to extract the Micro Carbon Technology® used as a base for all its liquid products, the combined company will now offer its customers an even greater selection of dry and liquid products that includes MVR’s various formulations of humic and fulvic acids.

Bio Huma Netics has averaged over 20% growth per year over the last 10 years. With the Mesa Verde alliance, combined company sales are expected to increase by 30% in 2017.

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About Mesa Verde Resources 

Mesa Verde Resources (MVR) mines and manufactures high-quality New Mexico humates, with humic and fulvic acid products including granular products, powders for solution and suspension, and liquid humic and fulvic acids. MVR humates—mined from the Fruitland Formation of the San Juan Basin in Northwest New Mexico since 1975—are used extensively to increase crop quality and production and to improve and replenish depleted soils. Learn more at

About Bio Huma Netics, Inc.

Founded as Sunburst Mining Company in Mesa, Arizona in 1973, Bio Huma Netics, Inc., (BHN) is a global leader in providing sustainable solutions to the world’s environmental challenges for agriculture (HUMA GRO®); horticulture, turf & ornamentals (HUMA GRO® TURF); and soil & wastewater remediation (PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS®) through its constantly improving proprietary Micro Carbon Technology®. Learn more at

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