This Week in Ag #4

By Fred Nichols
Chief Marketing Officer,
Bio Huma Netics, Inc.

Wednesday was Tax Day. For farmers, it was. Unlike the rest of us, farmers (and fishermen) file taxes on March 1. Due to the complexities of farming, including depreciation schedules for machinery, most farmers hire a professional tax preparer to help file their Schedule F. These are often independent accountants. And most are long-standing, often multi-generational relationships. Some local Farm Credit and Farm Bureau offices also offer the service. The business of farming is rife with fluidity. Even though they are harvested in the summer or fall, many grain crops are stored and sold throughout the year, as are livestock, so income can be generated any time of the year. There are several options farmers can use to “adjust” their income with expenses. They can elect to prepay fertilizer or other crop inputs in December or purchase equipment. So, farmers frequently consult with their tax person throughout the year for advice on managing income and expenses and how this can impact taxes. [Read more…]

Discover Three Products to Prep Your Soil for Spring Planting

By Michael Gardner
Senior Director Turf and NW Sales,
Bio Huma Netics, Inc.

As I begin to write, I’m reminded of an excerpt from Ode to the West Wind — “If winter comes, can spring be far behind?” Well, spring is certainly not far behind, especially for those of us working in the agriculture sector.

Winter can be a tricky time for growers, as many of them face numerous challenges to prep their soil for the next season. Healthy soil is the foundation of growing healthy crops, and this fact stands tall irrespective of the season or time of the year. When you have healthy soil, any crop you grow in it will look good, taste better, and be of higher quality. If your soil is weak and lacks nutrients, then external factors such as climate, location, etc. hold more power over the crop. [Read more…]

California Approves First 8 Fertilgold Products for CDFA-OIM Status

The California Department of Food & Agriculture (CDFA) has registered 8 Fertilgold® Organics products as Organic Input Materials (OIM) that can be sold in the state. Those products include the following: secondary macronutrients Fertilgold® Ca and Fertilgold® Mg, and micronutrients Fertilgold® B, Fertilgold® Co, Fertilgold® Mo, Fertilgold® MoN, Fertilgold® Zn, and Fertilgold® Micros I (which contains a balanced ratio of S, B, Cu, Fe, Mo, Mn, and Zn). All Fertilgold® Organics liquid products are powered by a proprietary Micro Carbon Technology® that rapidly delivers essential nutrition to crops for optimal growth, fruiting, and vigor.

Fertilgold® Organics, a brand line of Bio Huma Netics, Inc. (the maker of Huma Gro® products for conventional farming, and Mesa Verde Humates®), offers a complete line of 25 OMRI-Listed organic fertilizers and crop protection products (see list of available products). An additional 14 Fertilgold® Organics products are currently under CDFA-OIM review.

Bio Huma Netics, Inc., is a family/employee-owned company based in Gilbert, Ariz., that has been making premium crop fertilizers and crop-protection products since 1973.

BHN Earns 2019 Biostimulant Industry Impact Award

Bio Huma Netics, Inc. (BHN), located in Gilbert, Arizona, is the recipient of the 2019 Biostimulant Industry Impact Award. The award was presented at Biostimulant CommerceCon in Atlantic City, New Jersey, by AgriBusiness Global and its parent company, Meister Media Worldwide. This prestigious annual award is given to the company that a panel has judged to have best leveraged biostimulant product innovation, successfully implemented a distribution strategy, and implemented a change-making marketing and communications campaign. The prize awarded includes an integrated media package valued at $25,000 USD. [Read more…]

BHN Welcomes Rich Lamar to the Humic Research Team

Richard Lamar

On May 1, 2019, Dr. Richard Lamar joined Bio Huma Netics, Inc. (BHN) as Senior Director of Humic Research. He brings a tremendous amount of skills, experience, and knowledge of humic substances to BHN.

Dr. Lamar has a B.S. in Biology from the University of Miami, an M.S. in Forestry from Mississippi State University, and a Ph.D. in Forestry from North Carolina State University, with minors in Chemistry, Plant Physiology, and Soils, respectively. He has many years’ experience as a scientist, and 22 years’ research experience in the biosolids and humic industries, including as a Research Director for the EarthFax Development Corporation. Dr. Lamar has collaborated on more than 50 publications and 3 patents for bioremediation methods and methods for quantitation of humic substances.

BHN Chief Executive Officer Lyndon Smith commented, “We are pleased to have Dr. Lamar leading the Humic Research Team for Bio Huma Netics’product lines. Along with extensive experience in soil bioremediation and pollution treatment technologies, he has in-depth knowledge of soil microbiology and an excellent understanding of humic and fulvic chemistry. In addition, Rich displays the professionalism and integrity that we value at BHN. With his background in agricultural and soil sciences, he will be an invaluable addition to our Research Team.”

The Bio Huma Netics crop nutrition and protection lines include more than 15 humic and fulvic acid products for restoring and enhancing soil fertility, and more than 150 products in the categories of macronutrients, micronutrients, soil fertility, growth managers, organic acids, and crop protection—all based on our proprietary Micro Carbon Technology®nutrient carrier that enables growers to accomplish more with less product.

About Bio Huma Netics, Inc.

Founded in 1973, Bio Huma Netics, Inc., (BHN) is a three-generation family- and employee-owned company that is a global leader in providing sustainable solutions to the world’s environmental challenges for conventional agriculture (HUMA GRO®MESA VERDE HUMATES®); organic agriculture (FERTILGOLD®ORGANICS); horticulture, turf & ornamentals (HUMA GRO®TURF); and soil & wastewater remediation (PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS®) all based on its proprietary Micro Carbon Technology®. Learn more at

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