Bio Huma Netics, Inc. Solutions


HUMA GRO® is our line of agricultural liquid nutrient fertilizers and specialty products. Whatever you grow—and want to grow more of—there’s an effective HUMA GRO® solution to help. Progressive growers around the world rely on HUMA GRO® nutrients, soil activators, organic pesticides, growth managers and many other innovative solutions to raise crops more efficiently and profitably.


Fertilgold® Organics is a full line of organic crop nutrition and protection products that have been designed to deliver exactly what crops need exactly when, where, and how they need it. Fertilgold® Organics liquid products are powered by Micro Carbon Technology®, a unique carbon-based nutrient carrier that improves nutrient uptake effectiveness—getting more nutrients into the plant, faster, than other fertilizers.


HUMA GRO® TURF offers a full line of humate-rich liquid nutrient products and other specialty turf & ornamental products that have consistently led to greener lawns with lower watering and fertilizer costs. HUMA GRO® TURF’s advanced Micro Carbon Technology™ and proven results have helped HUMA GRO® TURF products become trusted all over the world to keep golf courses green and healthy.


Wastewater solutionsPROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS® is our line of biostimulants that are used to reduce sludge, cut down on odor, break down FOG’s, and control BOD and COD levels naturally without introducing harsh chemicals into the environment. Our products are proven to efficiently deliver better water quality, helping you follow NPDES regulations.


New Mexico humates are noted for being among the best in the world, and Mesa Verde Humates® takes pride in the fact that we have been instrumental in building this reputation. Mesa Verde Humates® products are nature’s brilliant blend of organic matter, humic and fulvic acids, minerals, and much more. With numerous grades and blends, plus an ability to work with growers and third-party product manufacturers, we offer natural humate solutions to many agricultural problems. For more information, go to MESA VERDE HUMATES®.


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