This Week in Ag #20

By Fred Nichols
Chief Marketing Officer,
Huma®, Inc.

Wheat harvest is well underway throughout the country. Each morning, the harvest process begins with equipment maintenance. Most farmers and custom cutters will park their fleet in a row, or in close proximity, so they can readily perform daily service. This involves the grease gun. Combines have hundreds of moving parts. Some of the most key bearings need to be greased daily, others weekly. You also want to check fluids, such as engine oil, inspect tires and belts, and clean windshields. Pickup fingers on the reel and sickle bar components on the header also need to be checked and frequently replaced. Morning is often when you refuel machines. Many farmers have portable fuel tanks to transport red diesel fuel to the field. Today’s largest combines can hold over 300 gallons of fuel. [Read more…]

This Week in Ag #10

By Fred Nichols
Chief Marketing Officer,
Bio Huma Netics, Inc.

Football may be a game of inches, but farming is a business of fractional inches. Take planting. Seed placement is paramount to the success of a crop. Farmers spend lots of time calculating the optimum rate and depth to plant their seeds based on genetics, soil type, soil conditions, weather, management practices and the desired output of their crop. [Read more…]

Field Trial: X-Tend® Increases Glyphosate Effectiveness


Over the years, some weeds have developed resistance to common herbicides such as glyphosate. To overcome this hurdle, growers may bump up the rates or add other herbicides or products with different mechanisms/modes of action into the tank mix. Such approaches have had mixed results over the long run and have increased the cost of weed control.

In this study, Huma Gro® X-Tend® was added to a glyphosate product to test the potential for improving the herbicidal efficacy of the product in a cost-effective way. [Read more…]

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