Discover Three Products to Prep Your Soil for Spring Planting

By Michael Gardner
Senior Director Turf and NW Sales,
Bio Huma Netics, Inc.

As I begin to write, I’m reminded of an excerpt from Ode to the West Wind — “If winter comes, can spring be far behind?” Well, spring is certainly not far behind, especially for those of us working in the agriculture sector.

Winter can be a tricky time for growers, as many of them face numerous challenges to prep their soil for the next season. Healthy soil is the foundation of growing healthy crops, and this fact stands tall irrespective of the season or time of the year. When you have healthy soil, any crop you grow in it will look good, taste better, and be of higher quality. If your soil is weak and lacks nutrients, then external factors such as climate, location, etc. hold more power over the crop. [Read more…]

Introducing New Humic Conversations Video Series

We are excited to introduce our new educational project, the Humic Conversations Video Series. As the name suggests, each episode of the series will focus on humic substances. Two leading researchers from our Humic Research Lab. Dr. Rich Lamar and Dr. Hiarhi Monda will share their expertise with the viewers.

In Episode 1 of this series, we discuss the basic science of humic substances. Dr. Lamar and Dr. Monda explain what humic and fulvic acids are, how they are formed, where they come from, and what their biostimulant properties are when it comes to plant and microbial growth.

The 16-minuite video is closed captioned in English and Spanish.

8 Simple Steps to Healthy Crop Soil

Our Humic Advantage

Humic substances, among the most wondrous products of nature, are the recycled essential residues of life. Plants harvest the sun’s energy and create life from that energy plus the carbon and oxygen they pull out of the air and the minerals they pull out of the soil. When plants die, all of their components are decomposed through the aid of microorganisms and mineralization, then returned to the soil as organic matter. [Read more…]

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