Rich Lamar, PhD


  • PhD, Forest Soils, North Carolina State University
  • MS, Forestry, Mississippi State University 
  • BS, Biology/Chemistry, University of Miami 

Work History:

  • Bio Huma Netics (2019),
  • Horizon Ag-Products (2013),
  • EarthFax Development Corp (1996),
  • U.S. Forestry Service (1986)


My first introduction to science was working as a technician at the Virginia Tech (VPI) Poultry Science Department in Blacksburg, Va. While working at VPI I began to take forestry courses, which led to an opportunity to work with Dr. John Hodges at Mississippi State University in Starkville, Miss., on a Master of Science degree project to investigate the effects of undercutting and mycorrhizal inoculation of hardwood seedlings in the nursery on seedling vigor and out-planting success.

This led to an interest in plant-mycorrhizal fungal associations and an opportunity to work with Dr. Chuck Davey to pursue a PhD at North Carolina State University, working on mycorrhizal applications in production of hardwood tree seedlings. After completing my doctorate in 1986, I began a two-year post-doc position at the Institute for Microbial and Biochemical Technology (IMBT) at the USDA Forest Service Forest Products Laboratory in Madison, Wisc., where I was later hired as a soil scientist to pursue the development of a soil bioremediation technology based on the pollutant-degrading abilities of white-rot wood decay fungi. The development of the technology was successful, and my group received three patents for fungal inoculum production and application of the technology. While at IMBT, I built a research group that at one point had 3 post-docs, 1 doctoral student, and 5 technical support staff, most of which were supported by outside grants.

In 1996 I became Director of R&D at a company that later became EarthFax Development Corp., with a focus on commercializing the fungal-based remediation technology. While at EarthFax Development, we started offering humic and fulvic acid analysis to the humic industry. During this time, I started interacting with the Humic Products Trade Assoc. (HPTA) to standardize the humic and fulvic acid quantitation methods.

Now at BHN, I am actively building a solid R&D/QA/QC program to support BHN humic science, product development, marketing, production, and sales.


Lamar, Richard & Monda, Hiarhi. (2022). Quantification of Humic and Fulvic Acids in Humate Ores, DOC, Humidified Materials and Humic Substance-Containing Commercial Products. Journal of Visualized Experiments. 181. 10.3791/61233. Click here to view the video.

Bioactivity of Humic Acids Extracted From Shale Ore: Molecular Characterization and Structure-Activity Relationship With Tomato Plant Yield Under Nutritional Stress

A-TEEM Fluorescence for Identification and Quantification of Fulvic Acid Adulteration in Commercial Humic Products

Chapter 4. Possible Role for Electron Shuttling Capacity in Elicitation of PB Activity of Humic Substances on Plant Growth Enhancement.

Possible Role for Electron Shuttling Capacity in Elicitation of PB Activity of Humic Substances on Plant Growth Enhancement

Possible Role for Electron Shuttling Capacity in Elicitation of Plant Biostimulant Activity of Humic Substances on Plant Growth Enhancement

Confocal fluorescent microscopy of Arabidopsis roots (1) exposed to humic acids (roots on left and center) and (2) control roots (on the right). Showing influx of Ca2+ into the roots upon exposure to purified HA. Work performed by Drs. Guido Grossman and Milan Zupunski, University of Heidelberg.

A New Standardized Method for Quantification of Humic and Fulvic Acids in Humic Ores and Commercial Products

Evaluation of a Proposed Standardized Analytical Method for the Determination of Humic and Fulvic Acids in Commercial Products

Critical Comparison of Humic Acid Test Methods

Treatability study using Phanerochaete sordida for the bioremediation of DDT contaminated soil

Fungal-Based Remediation: Treatment of PCP Contaminated Soil in New Zealand

Current Progress in the Application of Mycoremediation to Soil Cleanup

Evaluation of white‐rot fungi for the remediation of creosote‐contaminated soil

Extent of humification of anthracene, fluoranthene, and benzo[α]pyrene by Pleurotus ostreatus during growth in PAH-contaminated soils

Fungal Inoculum Preparation #2

Influence of humidity on production of pelleted fungal inoculum

White, R. B. and R. T. Lamar. 1999. Degrading ability of white-rot fungi. Soil and Groundwatercleanup. December/January:11-16.

Degrading ability of white-rot fungi.

Surfactant enhancement of white-rot fungal PAH soil remediation.

Screening of fungi for soil remediation

Screening of Fungi for Soil Remediation Potential

Fungal Inoculum Preparation #1

Growth and viability of mycelial fragments of white-rot fungi on some hydrogels

Binding of pentachlorophenol to humic substances in soil by the action of white rot fungi

Polymerization of pentachlorophenol and ferulic acid by fungal extracellular lignin-degrading enzymes

Expression of lip genes during growth in soil and oxidation of anthracene by Phanerochaete chrysosporium

Mangenase peroxidase mRNA and enzyme activity levels during bioremediation of polycyclic aromatic-hydrocarbon contaminated soil with Phanerochaete chrysporium

Development of Fungal Inocula for Bioaugmentation of Contaminated Soils

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon-Degrading Capabilities of Phanerochaete laevis HHB-1625 and Its Extracellular Ligninolytic Enzymes

Fluorene Oxidation In Vivo by Phanerochaete chrysosporium and In Vitro during Manganese Peroxidase-Dependent Lipid Peroxidation

Biological potential of fungal inocula for bioaugmentation of contaminated soils

Fungal inocula for bioaugmentation of contaminated soils.

Solid phase bioremediation methods using lignin-degrading fungi

Degradation of 4,4′-dichlorobiphenyl, 3,3′,4,4′-tetrachlorobiphenyl, and 2,2′,4,4′,5,5′-hexachlorobiphenyl by the white rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium

One-electron oxidation in the degradation of creosote polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by Phanerochaete chrysoporium

Quantitation of fungal mRNAs in complex substrates by reverse transcription PCR and its application to Phanerochaete chrysosporium- colonized soil

Treatability study using Phanerochaete chrysosporium for the bioremediation ofDDTcontaminatedsoil.

Quantitation of fungal mRNAs in complex substrates by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction to Phanerochaete chrysosporium-colonized soil

Lignin-degrading fungi as degraders of pentachlorophenol and creosote in soil.

One-electron oxidation in the degradation of creosote range PAH’s by Phanerochaete chrysosporium

Feasibility of White-rot Fungi for Biodegradation of PCP-treated Ammunition Boxes

Degradation of 4,4â²-Dichlorobiphenyl, 3,3â², 4,4â²-Tetrachlorobiphenyl, and 2,2â²,4,4â²,5,5â²-Hexachlorobiphenyl by the white rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium

Lignin-Degrading Fungi as Degraders of Pentachlorophenol and Creosote in Soil

Transformation of atrazine in soil by Phanerochaete chrysosporium

Treatment of a pentachlorophenol- and creosote-contaminated soil using the lignin-degrading fungus phanerochaete sordid a: A field demonstration

Manganese peroxidases of the white rot fungus Phanerochaete sordida

Solid-phase treatment of a pentachlorophenol-contaminated soil using lignin-degrading fungi

Field Evaluation of the Lignin-Degrading Fungus Phanerochaete sordida to Treat Creosote-Contaminated Soil

The role of fungal lignin-degrading enzymes in xenobiotic degradation

Evaluation of methods to extract ergosterol for quantitation of soil fungal biomass

Use of lignin-degrading fungi in the disposal of pentachlorphenol-treated wood

The Potential of White-Rot Fungi in Bioremediation

The role of lignin-degrading enzymes in xenobiotic degradation.

White Rot Fungi in the Treatment of Hazardous Chemicals and Wastes

Biodegradation of Pentachlorophenol (PCP) – Treated Ammonium Boxes Using White-Rot Fungi

Fate of Pentachlorophenol (PCP) in Sterile Soils Inoculated with the White-rot Basidiomycete Phanerochaete chrysosporium: Mineralization, Volatilization, and Depletion of PCP

Selective Medium for Isolating Phanerochaete chrysosporium from Soil

In Situ Depletion of Pentachlorophenyl from Contaminated Soil by Panerochaete spp

Sensitivity to and Degradation of Pentachlorophenol by Phanerochaete spp

Lamar, R. T., J. A. Glaser, and T. K. Kirk. “” . Raleigh, NC May. 1989.

Comparative Effectivity of Three Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marsh. Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in a High-P Nursery Soil

Growth of the white-rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium in soil

Use of wood-decay fungi for disposal of PCP- treated wood


Comparative effectively of three green ash (Fraxinus pensylvanica Marsh.) vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi /

Fungal inoculum preparation.

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